Membership Information

Founded in 1919, OSSTF/FEESO represents almost 60,000 public high school teachers, occasional teachers, childcare workers, educational assistants, early childhood educators, educators, continuing education teachers and instructors, psychologists, secretaries, speech-language pathologists, social workers, plant support personnel, attendance counsellors and many other educational workers.
Each member has a Membership Number that is found on their OSSTF/FEESO card. The card comes with a password that the member may use to login to the Members Only Section of the provincial website. Each year members receive an annual renewal sticker which should be attached to the Membership Card.
If a member loses their card or forgets their password, help is available at the OSSTF Provincial Office. See the poster below.

<< click for Poster
OSSTF/FEESO has 35 Districts. Each district has its unique area of service and bargaining units. Click DISTRICTS for a listing.
District 25 Members can check out the SERVICES page.
Your bargaining unit may have other specialized programs, so click on BARGAINING UNITS.
OSSTF Members may also use the quick links.