The District 25 Political Action Committee |
The D-25 committee advocates for OSSTF/FEESO members who deliver the education services Ontario depends on. Our members work in schools and university settings. OSSTF/FEESO supports members by ensuring they have a safe and healthy work site, and that they get fair pay and benefits for the services they provide. As well OSSTF/FEESO lobbies for better public services (such as improvements to education, to public health, to child care and to the Canada Pension Plan) that would improve our communities and the lives all Ontarians.
The D-25 committee works with other unions and groups in Ottawa to help make the community better. If you would like to contribute some time to help make Ottawa better, contact the District 25 Office

In June, almost a year prior to the next provincial election, and more than a year prior to upcoming trustee elections, the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) officially released Strengthen Public Education—Rebuild Ontario, a document outlining the Federation’s vision for publicly-funded education in Ontario in a post-pandemic world and beyond.
The document outlines five pillars for the future of public education in the province, which include:
- Increasing Student-Centered Supports and Services
- Centering Schools as Part of Our Communities
- Addressing Systemic Inequities
- Improving Learning Conditions for All
Providing Safe, Healthy Learning and Working Conditions
Locally and provincially, federation members will be sharing the platform with colleagues, election candidates, neighbours and friends.
Please take a look! Strengthen Public Education—Rebuild Ontario is available on the OSSTF/FEESO provincial website.
In District 25, Ottawa-Carleton, you are invited to join activities and meetings of the political action committee as we prepare for upcoming elections. Please check with your bargaining unit, branch or worksite political action rep for more information.