Occasional Teachers' Bargaining Unit (OTBU)
Secondary daily occasional and long term occasional teachers, please sign up for important news and communications from our bargaining unit.
September 2024 - Member Update
The Occasional Teachers' Bargaining Unit ratified the local collectiveagreement for 2022-2026 in March of this year. The central agreement was settled by arbitration in June. Both parts have been collated and edited. We expect it to be available shortly. Our previous agreement can be found at the bottom of this webpage.
The new daily occasional rate is $279.30 per day.
Contact Karen.Vandewint@d25.osstf.ca (Chief Negotiator) or Susan.Rab@d25.osstf.ca (President), or at 613 729 7211, for more information about changes.
The 2024/2025 OTBU executive officers are as follows:
President: |
Susan Rab |
Chief Negotiator: |
Karen Vandewint |
First Vice President/Educational Services: |
Joel Kennedy |
Second Vice President/Political Action: |
vacant |
Secretary/Constitution Officer: |
Kelly Fruhauf |
Treasurer: |
Graham Satterthwaite
Communications Officer:
Fiona Smith-Johnston
Health and Safety Officer:
Terrena Bennett |
Equity, Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Lead:
Eunice O'Mahony |
Executive Officer 1: |
Rosemary Dockrill |
Executive Officer 2: |
vacant |
Who are the members of the Occasional Teachers' Bargaining Unit?
Occasional Teachers are a diverse group comprised of Daily and Long-Term Occasional Teachers. We include newly licenced grads, folks who have been doing occasional work for decades, part-time permanent teachers also doing OT work, and recent retirees. For many Occasional teachers, this is a stage in their teaching careers, while for others, this is a way of life.
Regardless of the demographic make-up, these OSSTF teacher members have issues and concerns that are unique to their precarious and always changing work. Locally, the roster averages approximately 900 Occasional Teachers. Our 'full-time equivalency' is approximately 375 members.
Local services and representation for this group of OSSTF Occasional Teachers are provided by an elected Bargaining Unit executive of their peers. The areas of service include but are not limited to collective bargaining, contract maintenance, political action, and professional development.
Susan Rab, the Bargaining Unit President and Grievance Officer, can be contacted by telephone at 613-729-7211 ext. 209 or by e-mail: susan.rab@d25.osstf.ca
Health & Safety Documents
Occupational Health and Safety Concern Form, Employee Violent Incident Report (EVIR), and Safe Schools Incident Report (SSIR) are reported electronically in eBASE — click for INSTRUCTIONS.
Sick Leave Package, Accident Report Form, and WSIB Worker's Exposure Incident Form (asbestos) are available by clicking FORMS.
Health & Safety Reporting Guide
The Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee posts all the necessary forms. All accidents should be reported to the school principal. Also send a copy to the OTBU Health & Safety Officer (see above). If you have questions, contact a member of your unit executive.
For your Information:
Scholarships and Bursaries
OSSTF/FEESO provides many opportunities for members to receive help paying for various PD as outlined under each opportunity in this PDF.
Professional Development Funds
The Ontario Secondary Schools Teachers’ Federation Occasional Teachers’ Bargaining Unit District 25 (OSSTF/OTBU/D25) is pleased to offer members a one-time-per-year payment of up to $300 for eligible opportunities successfully completed in the current school year (July 1st- June 30th). The member must possess the required documentation prior to applying for a funding approval. The terms and conditions for this offer are:
Professional development (PD) certificates
Education conferences (e.g. OAME, STAO, ONABSE, Love of Reading, Literacy Learning Conference)
Additional Qualification (AQ) courses
Additional Basic Qualifications (ABQ) courses
First Aid, mental health, equity, or coaching training
Travel expenses (mileage, accommodation, air or train tickets)
Other, special requests send to occasionald25@gmail.com
Professional Development (PD) offered by the Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB)
Principal Qualifications Program (PQP) courses
Release time
Payment in excess of funds from other sources exceeding the expense incurred
Documents for Application
Current member of the D25 OTBU
Confirmation of successful completion
Receipt of payment from the institution
Affirmation: The member has/will not receive funding exceeding expenses incurred
Ontario Secondary Schools Teachers Federation (OSSTF) Membership Number
Personal non-board email, that can receive E-Transfers
Click HERE to apply!
Limits for the current school year: applied on or before June 30; for up to the first twenty-five (25) members. A waiting list will be kept in case all money applied for is not claimed.
Related Attachments
Susan Rab
President, Occasional Teachers Bargaining Unit
OSSTF District 25
Email: susan.rab@d25.osstf.ca
Business: (613) 729-7211