Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation
DISTRICT 25 Ottawa-Carleton

Occasional Teachers' Bargaining Unit (OTBU)

Secondary Occasional Teachers please register with your union - D25 OTBU
Complete the registration form: OTBU Register Here

March 2024 - Member Update


The Occasional Teachers Bargaining Unit has ratified the local tentative 2022-2026 Collective Agreement. The OCDSB will be voting on the same agreement at an upcoming meeting (scheduled for March 26th). Once both sides have ratified, we will move forward with posting the new local contract language.

Mediation dates continue centrally on salary issues and centrally bargained language. Arbitration is set for mid-April with an arbitration decision expected before the end of this school year.  The terms of Central and Local Agreements will come into effect upon the finalization of VBIA. 


Questions? contact Karen Vandewint (Chief Negotiator) or Susan Rab (President) at OSSTF, Corvus Court. 


613-729-7211  or by e-mail   firstname.lastname@d25.osstf.ca

The 2023/2024 OTBU executive officers are as follows:

President: Susan Rab
Chief Negotiator: Karen Vandewint
First Vice President/Educational Services: Tony Alexander
Second Vice President/Political Action: vacant
Secretary/Constitution Officer: vacant
Treasurer: Graham Satterthwaite
Communications Officer:

Health and Safety Officer:
Terrena Bennett
Equity, Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression Lead:
Eunice O'Mahony
Executive Officer 1:  Graham Satterthwaite
Executive Officer 2: vacant

Who are the Occasional Teachers' Bargaining Unit?

Occasional Teachers are a diverse group comprised of career Occasional Teachers, Short-Term and Long-Term Occasional Teachers and an ever increasing retired teacher population. For many Occasional teachers, this is a stage in their teaching careers, while for others, this is a way of life.

Regardless of the demographic make-up, these OSSTF members representing approximately 6,000 individuals have issues and concerns that are often unique to their circumstance. Locally, the roster for this group of OSSTF teaching professionals averages more than 750 Occasional Teachers.

Local services and representation for this group of OSSTF Occasional Teachers are provided by an elected Bargaining Unit executive of their peers. The areas of service include but are not limited to collective bargaining, contract maintenance, communications, and professional development.

Susan Rab, the Bargaining Unit President and Grievance Officer, can be contacted by telephone at 613-729-7211 ext. 209 or by e-mail: susan.rab@d25.osstf.ca

Health & Safety Documents
Occupational Health and Safety Concern Form, Employee Violent Incident Report (EVIR), and Safe Schools Incident Report (SSIR) are reported electronically in eBASE — click for INSTRUCTIONS.

Sick Leave Package, Accident Report Form, and WSIB Worker's Exposure Incident Form (asbestos) are available by clicking FORMS.

Health & Safety Reporting Guide

The Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee posts all the necessary forms. All accidents should be reported to the school principal.  Also send a copy to the OTBU Health & Safety Officer (see above). If you have questions, contact a member of your unit executive.

Pregnancy Leave

For your Information:

Scholarships and Bursaries
OSSTF/FEESO provides many opportunities for members to receive help paying for various PD as outlined under each opportunity in this PDF.

Professional Development Fund

The Professional Development fund for OTs and LTOs provides up to $300 every two years to reimburse teachers for improving their professional practice. The PD fund can be used toward most any professional improvement endeavor including  AQs/ABQs. Some examples have included first aid re-certification for a Phys Ed teacher and an education-related conference in Toronto. Pre-approval is required and original receipts must be submitted in order to access this fund. Check our regular newsletter for details. 

Apply here!

Related Attachments

Contact Information

Susan Rab

President, Occasional Teachers Bargaining Unit

OSSTF District 25

Business: (613) 729-7211